Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sicilian panini

These are the real thing. They are full of flavor, rich in aroma and in their simplicity recall the complex history of the island. These are naturally made at home after buying the ingredients at the appropriate stores. Amazing.

Mafaldina con mortadella di Bologna

Panino alle olive con salame ungherese

Muffulettu cunzatu

Mafaldina con panelle di ceci

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Belmont Section of The Bronx

This is one of the most interesting Little Italy in New York City. Located on Arthur Avenue and 186th Street, it is still viable and alive. Not a tourist haven but a real community. Nevertheless it is also fighting a batte of attrition and gentrificat6ion. These images were shot on a bright wintry day.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Winter scenes

Here in the northern hemisphere we are  "enjoying" the middle of winter. These images wee shot in Greenport, Long Island, NY. The only good thing atout winter is that one can take nice pictures.

Fall splendor