Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The vernal equinox. here at last

Spring is here at last but the New York area is being hit by another snow storm. What can I say. I can only post flowers from other springs to create at least the illusion of spring.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

At the feast

Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Greenwich Village in Manhattan used to have a yearly so called Festa Italiana. It was fun while it lasted and it was well attended. As the neighborhood became gentrified it was no longer possible to have the feast because of al the complains. Too bad. These two little girl shot in 1986. have a mysterious quality that I cannot decipher. But it's an interesting image.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Night shots

The advantage of shooting digital is that one can change ISO speed and color balance at will. These shots are of Mystic, Connecticut a

few summers ago.

Fall splendor