Saturday, December 1, 2012

Timeless beauty

Erice, a medieval town located atop Monte San Giuliano at the north western cornet of Sicily, reigns above Trapani and has also a view of  Monte Cofano. It is absolutely delightful and I always visit it when I return home to Sicily. I never get tired of it although it has become a little too touristy for my taste.  It has however become the site for many important international scientific and economic conferences. The color ones were scanned from the Kodachrome II originals and are from 1972  while those in black and white are conversions from scans of  Agfachrome 50  shot in 1969. They have lost their color but do make for nice black and whites after a little Photoshop post production work. The camera was the Canon FT with the Canon 28 mm F 3.5 FL lens; a true optical gem.

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