Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where's the traffic?

Paris is not only a beautiful city, but it's a city that works. Things function well from the public transportation system to the orderly ways that city life unfolds. I had forgotten this. Having arrived from today's Italy where all is total pandemonium and confusion and where traffic is absolutely impossible and made worse by an indifference to traffic regulations - stop signs are optional and traffic lights are deemed an evil best to ignore and  where a pedestrian puts his life in his hands if he trusts the the pedestrian crosswalks on the corners - I was pleasantly surprised at the very light traffic. Of course there's the greatest metro in the world where trains come every 5 minutes so there's no reason to use cars. The cars that one sees are all parked on the streets and none are on sidewalks and traffic is very orderly. There are also many bikes  and these tends to lessen traffic even more. There are motorini but not as many as in Italy where everyone who owns a car also owns one as this is the only way to find a parking spot. 
All of this makes for very clean air and for pleasant  walks. If one could only find a decent espresso, Paris would be perfect.


Paris je t'aime.

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 I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of winter. Spring can't come soon enough