Very interesting / Molto interessante

I have posted in the past that traditional photography is near death. However I could not imagine the speed with which this inevitable end is being achieved. It reminds me of how fast the digital camera took over the market leaving the non believers behind  holding on to a dated way of photographing not to mention their inventory of cameras that soon became obsolete and worthless. I realize that we cannot  yet go to a photo shoot with an IPhone but what I'm predicting that there really will not be many jobs as more and more costumers will eschew the need for a photographer in the near future. As for me, I welcome the change. More power to all. Everybody can take a good photo; it will be harder to take a great one.

Ho postato nel passato che la morte della fotografia tradizionale e' molto vicina. Pero' non  potevo mai immaginare la subitanieta' di questa imminente e aneluttabile meta. Mi fa rammentare la rapidita' con cui il sistema digitale spazzo' via la fotografia chimica. Coloro che non crebbero alla attuabilita' del digitale sono rimasti indietro  professionalmewnte e anche  con macchine obsolete e senza valore. Che un fotografo professionista si presenti ad un servizio con un IPhone e' ancora ridicolo, ma credo che la fine dei servizi non sia  molto lontana.e non ci saranno piu' fotografi professioisti in gran quantita'. Per me questo cambiamento e' positivo  ed anche molto democratico. Che tutti possano fare foto buone. It test e' vedere  quanti saranno capaci a scattare foto eccezionali.  Purtroppo  questa meta sara' sempre  piu' difficile a raggiungere.

Camera Awesome Launches on iPad

Awesome-for-ipad.jpg If you use your iPhone as a secondary camera, you've probably heard of Camera Awesome. It's an app that gives you a huge amount of photography tools to improve the way your photos look and the way you shoot. It sports composition tools, effects and editing features to boot.

SmugMug has just announced that the app is now available for iPad, and there's plenty more to it than just a larger screen. "This isn't simply a bigger version of what we've built for the iPhone. We built and rebuilt the UI over and over until we came up with something that makes the iPad feel like an amazing new piece of photography equipment, rather than just a giant camera," says SmugMug CEO Don McAskill. "Our testers have been comparing it to something from Minority Report and loving it."

Camera Awesome is available now on the App Store for free. If you already have the program for the iPhone, any of the filters and add-ons you purchased will transfer over.


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