
Showing posts from July 4, 2010


As you can tell from my photos, you realize that I have traveled extensively. I began with carrying two cameras with multiple formats and over 199 rolls of film, both color slides, and Black and white in 135 and 120 formats and have now realized the wisdom of traveling light. As I peruse the many photo sites and blogs, the fora always are replete with questions as to what kind of equipment to take on trips. Most replies, probably from people who have never traveled, advice to take a full complement of lenses. The person asking usually lists all the equipment that he own [trying to impress] and his typical question usually goes like this: I will be going to Paris in July what camera and lenses should I take. If this is a Canon forum, the replies will usually go like this: Take the 1DS II with the 24-105 F4 L and your 70-200 F2.8 L and also take your 16-35 F2,8 L. And do not forget your 50mm F1.4 prime . This is a ridiculous reply ignores the fact that the weight of this combi...

A new feature, archive photos.

From time to time, I will dig into my huge photo archive and share them. I hope you will enjoy some of them.

State Street Brooklyn, Dec. 1972

This shot was taken on State Street in Brooklyn with the Nikonos II and the incredible 35mm F 2.5 UW Nikkor. Again, the film was trix developed in full strength d_76.

Coney Island in the Winter

This shot of Coney Island in January of 1971, was shot with the Leica M-4 and the fabulous 35mm F2 Summicron. This is the site where the Keyspan Park baseball field where the Brooklyn Cyclones play . The film was Tri-X shot normally and developed in D-76 full strength.

Some for 7-10-10 Canon 1D III

Just some flowers around the house to test the 1DIII. The Sigma 50mm F 2.8 macro was used. All shot at very high ISO.

Photos for 7-9-10 Canon 10D

The 10D created very smooth images. Very much like film. The lens was the much maligned but very capable for my needs, EF 24-89 3.5-4.5 Canon.

A few for today, 7-8-10 Canon 10D

Portrait of a young boy at an event from Family & Children Association, my client. The lens was the 24-65 3.5-4,5 EF Canon.


The hiatus was short lived. I realize that the program tracking hits was malfunctioning. Sorry!

ARRIVEDERCI It's sad but true that

after agonizing over what I should do in view of the fact that no one visits, I have decided to take a blog vacation. If I get some feed back either on facebook or by email at, or perish the thought on the blog itself, then I may resume posting my photos and making comments on photography. I have better things to do like walking my dog and caring for my cats with my limited time that is running out fast. Arrivederci