
Showing posts from April 12, 2015

Have a delicious weekend


When everything works

When everything works, when all falls into pla ce, when the light is just right one can walk away with a great shot. My beloved Castellammare del Golfo on a nutty February day just before a hail storm. The result was a very nice image and one that I'm very proud of.  Only one needed for this post. 

San Gemignano

This quaint hilltop city in Tuscany sports countless towers. Actually most are no longer standing. It's a must see place if one visits Tuscany.

I love this city

Words cannot suffice i n expressing my love of New York. I let the images do the talking.

The Washington Monument

The Washington Monument has undergone a major facelift and I just wanted to shoot it at night to enhance it's mysterious - a la Dan Brown - qualities.  To me it's just the wold's biggest phallic symbol but that may be due to my dirty mind. Nevertheless, it's a very impressive structure. The daytime shot is here as a different point of view of the Mall. I realize that this is tax day so at least some of our taxes  are well spent.

Still hopeful about spring

Spring is being a tease this year- Let's hope it will put out soon. Obviously this image is from another spring. However, hope springs eternal

Youth dancers

This street performance in front of Notre Dame in Paris was staged by a youth group pf Italian dancers. They were exuberant and vivacious making for a very energetic performance.

Have a pleasant week


Il paese del mare

I'm counting the days as I should be there very soon. My beloved home town.