
Showing posts from October 26, 2014

Sometimes you get the light just right

      Many mornings, while I walk my dog I keep looking for "the light." This time I may have found it.

Have a wonderful weekend


Happy Halloween

It used to be that Halloween was merely children going trick or treating. It has slowly turned into a major holiday for adults. Some even go all out in decorating the outside of their homes. What can I say except Happy Halloween.

Archival slide scans from long ago

These are two of my favorite shots from Pennsylvania Dutch country. Shot with the Leica M-4, the 90mm Tele Elmar F2.8 on Kodachrome II that has kept it's colors.

Early digital

I have always been fascinated by the local Italian feasts and especially by the vendors. These two women  apparently had had a long day. The place is the OL of Mount Carmel feast in North Brooklyn and the date is July of 2002. The camera was the Fuji S-2 Pro.

When all the pieces fit

There are a few times when it all comes together and a really nice image is the result. Shot way back in 1970 with the Canon FT, the 50mm F 1.2 Canon FL lens on TriX Pan. Was it really that long ago?

Fall splendor at the garden

Naturally, the garden is the superb Brooklyn Botanic Garden. End of story.

Have a beautiful week


Coney Island

Coney Island has to be one of New York's must fascinating place. It's not as exciting as it was many years ago but is still has it's charm. I love to photograph here. Street philosopher The classic Cyclone ride