
Showing posts from July 14, 2019

A great day to play golf

Especially in Rapallo, Italy

Have a wonderful weekend


The pyramid at the Louvre

Nothing attracts visitors as much as the Louvre's pyramid. Dan Brown may be partly responsible for this added interest but the structure is magnificent. 

Taking a brak

This Venetian gondoliere was  simply  taking a break from a long day of rowing and showing the sites. BTW, they do not sing.

Having fun

Leave it to young people to know how to have fun. We were in Mazara del Vallo in a piazza whe suddenly this contraption appeared. The smiles on the kids was contagious.

Siena, la cattedrale

These images capture the doors and main entrance of the famous cathedral of Siena a city famous or the palio di Siena , the horse race in inside the very large main square, the catheral whose floor has symbolic meaning to many especially those who read Dan Brown religiously [no pun intended] and naturallyfor the art food and architecture,


It's always fun to shoot window reflections if the subject matter stands out. These images were shot in Westerly Rhode Island in an area that was being rehabilitated.

Enjoy your Sunday
