
Showing posts from June 7, 2020


The melon seller in this very spot on the Corso or main street is sort of an institution going back many decades. Father to son passing of the fruity baton. How I wish being able to get there. Patience, this too shall pass.

Have a splendid weekend; be safe.


Sain Juan Day, a few years ago

In June of 1978, I was covering the Saint Juan's Day events for Migration Today Magazine. It was a fun event and naturally, the Puerto Rican community was it's sponsor. The events were varied and ran the gamut from the religious to the profane. It was the type of assignment that I couldn't believe I was being paid and having so much fun. Those were the days. Naturally, all shot with two Leicas and Tri-X Pan.

It's always the light

The view from our hotel balcony in Lido D'Ostia near Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport. Looking with nostalgia at images from past trips and hoping that we may be able to travel again.   

What a view

I loved to go to the old World Trade Center. The elevator ride was amazing but not as breath taking as the view.

A little fooling around

What can I do under quarantine. I do walk my dog early so I keep my iPhone handy. With a little post processing I got this result. I hope you like it and allow me this indiscretion. This stuff must not be taken too seriously. After all it's just a picture.

Timeless beauty


Have a beautiful week


Have a great Sunday
