
Showing posts from December 24, 2017

Think of warm places this Saturday

As the thermometer dips to record lows, it's nice to think of warm places. Sprig should be here soon. LOL

Have a beautiful weekend; think of spring


Greetings from New York

Madison Square Park is the real heart of New York. it is wonderful and always full of surprises.

Siena. la cattedrale

The cathedral in Siena is a wonderful site full of mysterious symbols. Especially on the floor mosaics, These images are of the main entrance. Siena is really a must see city if one visits Tuscany.

La galleria

This is Milan's premiere location. It starts at the Piazza del Duomo and leads to the la Scala opera house. Splendid.

Il castello

The castle in Castellamare del Golfo not only gives the town it's name but it is the focal point of its existence. Not long ago it reached into the sea and the lambent waves would caress it but also caused damages. Now that an entirely new protection has been devised, it is hoped that the castle and the sea will be able to meet again.

Have a lovely week


Have a peaceful Christmas


Santa really comes from Sicily

The Anglo Saxon style of Christmas has totally taken over. It naturally carries with it the great commercialization with the concomitant diminution of the religious function of the holiday. This donkey and a small Sicilian cart were roaming the streets of Castellammare del Golfo an Christmas Eve  few years ago.  They were slowing down traffic and made many motorist angry. Christmas spirit,,are you kidding? Everyone was rushing to prepare the cenone or great supper for the night before Christmas.