
Showing posts from September 29, 2024
                           Display of gourds and pumpkins at a local farmers market
           Homemade pizza topped with cauliflower, unions and breadcrumbs. Absolutely delicious.
             Canoe on the Arno river in Florence at dusk. Digital image with Nikon digital SLR.
          Spaghetti with pomodorini and eggplants. This is a summer staple in Sicily and throughout southern Italy. .
           Quebec  City, shot on Kodak Tri-X with a Nikon FTn and the 35mm Nikkor 2.8 lens
         Arancine made by my talented daughter Jennifer who is a wonderful photographer in her own right. People call these arancini but that is incorrect. The singular is arancina making arancine the correct plural. Just a trite grammar lesson. No matter these are delicious and typically Sicilian. 
                                    Another healthy and light dish. Sliced grilled beef accompanied with asparagus and yams cooked with an air fryer. 
          T hese beautiful wildflowers are summer's swan song. This Kodachrome slide was made with a Nikon Ftn and the 55mm F 3.5 Micro Nikkor lens.
                        Eating in Sicily where the seafood is exceptional along with the rest of the food. This risotto ai  frutti di mare was consumed at a  seaside restaurant ln Castellannare del Golfo with the freshest sea food, Absolutely delicious.
          One of the simplest and most delicious dish  appropriate for this season. Spaghetti with kholrabi in a light but spicy sauce. The trick is to find tender kohlrabi.
            Can anybody remember the time when we weren't all connected and on line or when everybody was taking pictures with their smart phones? Here we are in June of 1972 in Central Park,  Manhattan, NYC. A trio of musicians just playing for their own pleasure and for the passersby, Simply making the scene. The film was Kodachrome II with a speed of 25, if you can believe and the camera was my Leica M4 with that perfect street photography lens the 35mm Summicron F2. Keeping it simple.
              The art of the panino. The ingredients must be kept to a minimum and must complement each other. The so called Italian hero that has all types of cold cuts is an abomination because one cannot savor any of the ingredients. The bread but be fresh and crispy. This is a sandwich consisting of a mafalda type bread filled with broccoli rape and fresh mozzarella. A little EVO and naturally salt and pepper. Simplicity in itself but what flavor.
  Eating light and healthy. Fresh salmon with pomodorini an contorno of steamed cauliflower and air fried carrots.
        I call this digital image "the last  cannolo" I was covering an event for Arba Sicula, a cultural society that fosters Sicilian culture and defends the Sicilian language, After the presentations a mellowed and it naturally closed with cannoli as dessert. Apparently there weren't enough cannoli so the following competition took place, It makes an interesting photo, BTW, cannoli incorrect because is the singular and cannoli is the plural. In Italian we do not put an s to make plurals; there's a complex grammatical way to make words plural it follows the fact that Italian words with very few exceptions all end in vowels thus making the language beautifully musical.
 Rigatoni with radicchio and walnuts. A very simple dish that requires radicchio, walnuts and shallots. It has pleasant tangy taste that is a nice change of pace from other pasta dishes.
  Hon Kong, 1971, This family lived in this boat moored on very filthy water. Things have improved since then, but this image is very powerful.
               It's that time of the year  for hearty soups. This one is cauliflower and sick peas. Very healthy and economical. Please nite that when using canned beans or chick peas rinse them before use to remove nasty pres It's preservatives. Enjoy.
         T he Italian communities in New York celebrate their patron saints with elaborate feasts or street festivals. This includes a procession with the particular. This image from the seventies is from  saint's statue on which money donations are pinned. This image from the seventies is from the Saint Anthony's feast on Sullivan street. 
        Simply delicious: baby string beans stewed in tomatoes and sliced fresh garlic. To keep their wonderful green color, after steaming them, I placed them in ice cold water. The sauce is easy to make, and the string beans are added toward the end along with the garlic. A very nice side dish or contorno .
        Another archival shot. This man was selling small rugs in Tangiers. The year was 1974. Shot on Ektachrome X with a Nikon FTn and the Nikkor 50mm F 1.4 lens. Where does time go.
  past         A classic Sicilian dish originating from Palermo: pasta 'cu vruocculu arriminata or pasta with cauliflower sauce Palermo style. Here I used imported triangoli ravioli filled with roasted cauliflower, so I used them instead of spaghetti. It's a complicated dish that also includes muddica atturrata or toasted breadcrumbs. Along with the cauliflower I used shallots, pinoli or pignoli  , raisins and real saffron. It's a complex dish with interesting anthropological implications. Sicily being at the center of the Mediterranean Sea has a very rich and diverse culture.
          Another from the archives. This girld had her first Communion at Sain Patrick's cathedral in Manhattan and was sitting across the street in Rockefeller Center. An example of the so called decisive moment. Once more I used a Leica M2 with the fabulous 35mm Summicron F2 and naturally the film was Kpdak Tri-X.