
Showing posts from October 1, 2017

Explore your city this Saturday


Have a great weekend


It's always the light

Interesting light makes for interesting images even prosaic scenes can become more catchy to the eye. These were all shot with my iPhone.  

Soon it will be here

Winter that is. Although I hate it many nice images are possible. This shot was made with a Mamyia C 330 and Tri-X Professional 120.

Back to Giverny

Monet's garden at Giverny is a most see place if you go to Paris. Public transportation is very good and efficient. Take the Metro to Gare St. Lazare and then take the rail road to Giverny. You can take a shuttle bus or a more convenient taxi. Once there you will be rewarded with  a most beautiful garden that is truly unforgettable.

Early light

Walking my dog in north eastern Pennsylvania and using my iPhone to record this image  

Classic farmers market

The farmers market in Scranton is an institution that goes way back. It is open fem July to the day before Thanksgiving. The quality of the produce, breads, cheeses etc, is great and the prices are high like in the stands that you find along the roads. You can also eat there although the food is not of the highest quality. It is, nevertheless a wonderful venue.

Have a beautiful week


Sit down and relax this Sunday
