
Showing posts from January 17, 2016

Saturday mornìng chat

This photo was shot when a chat meant actual talking and not on Facebook or smart phone. It was a Saturday morning in Manhattan's Chinatown. The film was Ektachrome-X with a speed of only 64. The camera was the Leica M-4 with a 50mm Summicron F 2.

Have a great weekend


Winter morning

Although I despise winter, it does offer the possibility of nice images. This road was recently shot in North East Pennsylvania. This was the first snow. Much more is on the way.

I balconi d'Erice

Italy is really a museum and everywhere one can find art and artistic elements. These balconies in Erice prove the point. They are in themselves works of art.

Ten years have passed

It's hard to believe that this monumental display that briefly transformed Central Park occurred ten years ago. At first I thought it was a gimmick, but once there I realized that it had transformed the park into a wondrous place and made the winter much more pleasant. What amazes me most is that we see no smart phones and no one is looking down at their puny screens nor is anyone engaged in taking selfies. People were looking and participating as a group and enjoying the event as a part of a group. Actually ten years is really not a very long time but our way of interacting has radically changed.  

A view from my window

I had a photo studio on East 26th Street in Manhattan many years ago. It was a nice location and afforded me many nice views. This is the entrance of the building directly across the street.

Gantry Plaza State Park

This urban state park is located in Long Island City. Queens, NY and affords great vies of Manhattan. These images were made on a summer night a few years ago with the Lumix LX-3.

Have a great week and think of spring


Cosmetic changes

After several years, I decided to give the blog a face lift. Nothing has changed in substance and the photos posted will always try to created a pleasant place to visit away from all the screaming and yelling out there. A place to take a break and rest a while. Once again, thank you for visiting. As for the change in the name itself, I believe that the old one was commercial and because I no longer shoot professionally, my name suffices.

The Sicilian Cuisine Blog: Pasta with borages, healthy and comfort food at the same time

The Sicilian Cuisine Blog: Pasta with borages, healthy and comfort food at the same time

Have a glorious Sunday
