
Showing posts from August 12, 2018

Back to Scopello

One of the many wonders of Castellammare del Golfo is the hamlet of Scopello to the west that is part of its territory. I have many images of this lovely place and I love to post them, These were taken in the month of April two years ago.  

Enjoy your weekend


Paris, city of light

It's difficult to describe the beauty of this city. At night it assumes a more awesome aspect with many of it's building all lit up.

The South Street Seaport

New York's South Street Seaport is a great venue to spend a hot summer evening. There's always something going on and the eating establishments are good. A nice place to relax and enjoy the  cool breeze,

Remembering Genova

Genova [Genoa] is one of my favorite cities in Italy. Today it has suffered a catastrophe in the collapse of a major overpass. My heart goes to the people of Genova and to those who lost their lives or were injured. I want to post a few images shot last year to render homage to this great city. Forza Genova

Getting ready to party

What were once wide avenues,  are now pedestrian malls full of tables and chairs to accomodate the caffe'  and restaurant crowds. Alas it's  all about tourists now. There's no authenticity. In my street there is plenty of authenticity that I share with my great neighbors.

It's all about the food

I love to cook but I love eating good even more. I do most of the cooking and when I'm in Sicily where the ingredients are fresh and very tasty cooking becomes a fulfillment of my body and a recharging of my ethnic soul. These are a few of the pasta dishes I prepared during my July trip. Bucatini con salsa di pomodoro e melanzane Tagliatelle con salsa fresca di pomodoro Spaghetti al tonno all'olio d'oliva Pasta con zucchine e pomodorini Tutti  a tavola

Have a great week


Have a wonderful Sunday
