
Showing posts from March 19, 2017

Go exploring this Saturday

There are always places nearby that you have never really looked at. Explore and photograph them.

Have a peaceful weekend


There once was a garden

The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, besides it's famous Japanese Garden that is still in existence, once sported a magnificent rock and pebbles garden that was a replica to the one in Kyoto that I visited long ago. For reasons only known to the garden's big shots, this garden was destroyed to make way for some pathetic children's garden that could have been created elsewhere. These images from the seventies show what the place was like. There's nothing like progress to mess up things.

Saturday in the park

The park is Central Park and the time is early spring in 1972. It was the place to make the scene and interact. Today everyone is looking at their smart phones and practically unaware of their physical and human surroundings. Some progress.

Castellammare in winter

I love my Castellammare del Golfo in the winter when there's peace and quiet. The days are not very cold and all is green and full of wild flowers. Here are three images shot in Piazza Petrolo on a day that was both sunny and cloudy.

Ode to spring

Kodachrome scans dating from the eighties of images made at the Queens Botanical Garden. I miss that great slide film.

At last, spring

The blog's colors have changed to reflect he long awaited coming of spring. For our followers in the southern hemisphere, you are looking forward to fall that is also a wonderful season. Again, thank you for visiting.

Atlantic city long ago

These two images dating from 1976 show Atlantic City's beach before the casinos moved in and changed this unique place to something it wasn;t really supposed to be.

Have a great week. Spring is finally here.


Have a great Sunday
