
Showing posts from June 9, 2019

Buon appetito

Something light, tasty and healthy for your busy Saturday.  

Have a great weekend


The old neighborhood

New York in the seventies before all he gentrification when things were much quieter. This area was the east side in the twenties near my studio on 26th Street  and Lexington Avenue. I used to pass these quiet street on the way to my studio from the subway station.

Return of a classic

I absolutely love this photo. Taken late at night after all had retired and the street and chairs were empty, it evokes a very peaceful feeling. I have posted it before but it's worth posting again.

A man and his dog

I really have nothing to add. Having a dog myself, I can project this great feeling when one is walking one's dog.

The old courthouse

Typically in small towns across the land, the courthouse is usually the most imposing building. Most were built in the 19th century and feature cool architectural styles that were all  forgotten by modernism and the Bauhaus movement. Most new courthouses and municipal buildings look like factories and are quickly dated. However, these old structure have a classic and lasting feel that renders them endearing. This is the Wayne County, PA. courthouse in Honesdale.   

Let's begin the week with flowers

Have a great week

Enjoy your Sunday
