
Showing posts from November 2, 2014

Milford PA. [part2]

These should be the last fall i mages at least for now. Please bear with me.

Sicilian countryside

Starting at about this time and continuing until the end of spring, the Sicilian countryside is replete with wonderful flowers and always green and luscious. Here are some examples of shots taken in January two years ago.

Just a few more

There are only a few trees still stubbornly holding on to their leaves. They do make interesting images.

Late fall foliage, Milford, PA [part 1]

 Sadly the fall splendor has all but left us in these parts. All that remain are a few stubborn trees putting on futile fight. It always ends so soon.


This is perhaps the most famous tourist attraction in Italy and it is truly a wonderful place.  This time we visited off season without the crowds and the place revealed it's  true beauty.

Have a wonderful week


There's always Venice

It's not easy posting photos every day. Finding new ones is at times hard. I have thousands of negatives but I'm having scanner difficulties and I'm still undecided as how to proceed.  There's always Venice to fall back on. These are from April of 2005 and wee shot with the Nikon D2h. On a cloudy or rainy day, this city is even more magical.

Have a peaceful Sunday

Canon FT. Tri-X Pan