
Showing posts from September 30, 2012

Have a beautiful Sunday / Buona domenica

Photo by Marcy Galatioto, Canon G-9

What a beautiful city / Che citta' bella

New York is indeed beautiful and full of surprises. You can live here all your life  still find it new and fascinating. Just it's variety of people and cultures makes it very special. I never get tired of it. Fuji S1-Pro, 5-2001 Fuji S1-Pro 5-2001 Fuji S-1 Pro 3-2001 New York, e' veramente bella e sorprendente. Si puo' viverci  una vita e trovarla sempre nuova e affascinante. Solamente la varieta' di persone e culture la rendono speciale. Non mi stanco mai d'ammirarla e apprezzarla.

Very interesting / Molto interessante

I have posted in the past that traditional photography is near death. However I could not imagine the speed with which this inevitable end is being achieved. It reminds me of how fast the digital camera took over the market leaving the non believers behind  holding on to a dated way of photographing not to mention their inventory of cameras that soon became obsolete and worthless. I realize that we cannot  yet go to a photo shoot with an IPhone but what I'm predicting that there really will not be many jobs as more and more costumers will eschew the need for a photographer in the near future. As for me, I welcome the change. More power to all. Everybody can take a good photo; it will be harder to take a great one. Ho postato nel passato che la morte della fotografia tradizionale e' molto vicina. Pero' non  potevo mai immaginare la subitanieta' di questa imminente e aneluttabile meta. Mi fa rammentare la rapidita' con cui il sistema digitale spazzo' via la fot...

Have a delicious Saturday / Abbiate un sabato delizioso

Busiate con salsa fresca di pomodoro; photo by Jen Galatioto

Trapani again / Trapani di nuovo

This ancient town that some serious scholars believe to be the real  Ithaca of the Odyssey by Homer, has many pleasant surprises if one is willing to explore. The historic center is worth a visit  and will not disappoint. Questa citta antichisima  la quale viene considerata da tanti studiosi serii come la vera Itaca dell'Odissea di Omero e piena di gradevole sorprese.  Una visita al centro storico vale la pena  e non fara' pentire se si ha la voglia d'esplorare.

Have a tasty Friday / Abbiate un venerdi' gustoso

Artigianal bread at food fair in Castellammare

Back to Castellammare / Ritorniamo a Castellammare

Alcune foto in piu' di questo posto meraviglioso. A few more photos of this enchanting place. Panorama Olympus E-300 [2006] Vicolo da Corso Mattarella La spiaggietta a Petrolo. Once a septic area, the waters re now clean and limpid. Panorama of Castellammare del Golfo shot last summer with the E PL-2

Have a delicious Thursday / Abbiate un giovedi' delizioso

Shot in Ballaro' with the E PL-2

A return to Ballaro' / Un ritorno a Ballaro'

This ultimate outdoor market in Palermo always fascinates me so that I am posting a few more photos of it. A visitor to Palermo must go there. Questo mercato  all'aperto supremo mi affascina sempre. Per questo ho postato queste altre foto. Ognuno  che visita a Palermo deve assolutamente  andarci.

Are they still around? / Sono ancora in giro?

And I thought that Polaroid was dead. It actually is in a way. E mi sembrava morta. Ma in effetti lo e'. Polaroid Turns 75 - They Celebrate with Giveaways and Discounts..... It's the 75 th anniversary of the founding of the company of Polaroid. Hard to believe. Polaroid  war very important in the days preceding digital as we pros used the venerable model 199 with 600 film to check the lighting in studio shots./ I remember those days well Now the Polaroid Facebook page has chances for us to win a new camera,  a tablet or  a camcorder; it all dependson the week in which you enter. Win or lose, you'll get a discount good for the purchase of gear from the Polaroid website - five percent for cameras and 10 percent for tablets. Not bad, and BTW, Happy Birthday.

Have a beautiful Wednesday / Abbiate un mercoledi bellissimo

Olympus E-20

Flowers for rainy day / Fiori per un giorno piovano

As it is rainy today, my thoughts wonder to beautiful spring days at the Brooklyn Botanic and it's lovely flowers.  all photos with the Olympus E-20 Siccome piove,  i miei pensieri vagano ai giorni di privavera  trascorsi al 'orto botanico di Broolyn ed ai  suoi bei fiori

Fall colors / colori autunnali

  Have a peaceful Tuesday Abbiate un  Martedi di pace I just love the fall in the North Eastern US, the bright colors, the blue skies and the cold weather that brings relief from the hot summer. L'autunno e' la  mia stagione preferita nella zona  del nort est degli States. I  colori brillanti, i cieli azzurri e le giornate fresche che danno rifrigerio dalla calda estate.

Have an interesting week / Vi auguriamo una settimana interessante

Canon G-12

Naples, the Spanish quarter / Napoli, il quartiere spagnolo

The Spanish quarter in Naples is absolutely fascinating. It is a rather run down area but it's also one of the oldest neighborhoods of the city. You can buy anything you want here, old or new, legal or illegal. A visit here cannot be excluded if one visits Naples. Il vecchio quartiere spagnolo di Napoli, un quartiere di case vecchie e trascurate, e  molto affascinante. Qui, si puo' comprare tutto:  il vecchio, il nuovo, il lecito e l'illecito. Una visita pero' e' imprendiscibile.