If you got the bread Hassy has the camera.

The megapixel race seems to go on unabated and now Hasselblad has announced a camera capable of producing 200MP images based on shifting its 50MP sensor. The H4D-200MS uses an extension of the company's sensor-shift, multi-shot (MS) technology to create a 200 megapixel file from six images taken at slight offsets. It can also use the four-shot mode used by the H4D-50MS that shifts the sensor by one pixel in each direction to capture all colors at each position. The latest approach adds 1/2pixel offsets to increase the captured resolution to 200MP. The H4D-200MS is available for €32,000 or as a €7,000 factory-return upgrade for H4D-50MS owners. Sorry but that's a bit too pricey for my taste or budget. I can almost still buy a summer home for this amount. I can take many trips and vacations also. But to each his own. I still think that the sooner this insane race ends the better. Each photo file if shot RAW will require it's own external hard drive. Ridiculous. Did I mention that these prices do not include the lens?


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