Saturday, January 21, 2012

Arrivederci Kodak?

I do not want to say goodby to Kodak but it's future looks dim. I hope it's not the end. It's ironic that it was Kodak whose R&D led to the development of digital photography. Beside inventing the sensor it brought out the first DSLR. How can I ever forget the magic of Tri-X, and Opal V. And what about D-76 and Dektol. It was Kodak that made color film possible with Kodachrome, still the most archival of all color films; and it was Kodak that made color print film possible with Kodacolor. We shall all miss what was American industry and inventiveness at it's best. I hopefully will only say arrivederci.

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 A somewhat abstract digital image of a rose; just trying to be artsy crafty that's all.