Candid portraits / Leica M-4

This follows on the heels of the previous post that dealt with my favorite way to shoot people, that is the close and personal approach. Of course, this method is not suitable all the times. A more direct approach is needed, a longer lens may be required but not a super long one, and the subject doesn't know that he is being photographed. I could say he or she but I despise this butchery of English so fashionable these days. Enough with the language digression and back to photography. These photos taken at two different occasions, both with Tri-X and with the Leitz 90 mm Tele Elmarit F2.8, show the validity of this approach. I still do not like photo sniping. The Leica with it's lack of a return mirror and as a result a very quiet shutter was ideal in these situations. I would keep the exposure ready set so that focusing and composition were my only concerns. It sounds easy but it had it's moments.  I take umbrage at the so called  photographers who sort of hide with their long  auto focus zooms and attempt street photography. They are really cowards.


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