Friday, August 17, 2012

Scopello, a tiny theme park of sorts

Scopello, once a sleepy town west of Castellammare and part of it's territory, was known for it's spectacular view of the sea and large  boulders or faraglioni  that rivaled those of Capri, for it's tonnara or tuna fishing fleet and for it's baglio, a medieval enclave with a main arched entrance and contiguous houses whose entrances all faced the inside. The lord would live in the  largest structure usually a multi storey edifice above the main archway.
Outside the baglio there's a public fountain and watering pool for animals whose water is renown for it's great taste. With  the passage of time the in area around the baglio a series of narrow streets
eventually grew and a small town was created. 
Up to about 30 or so years ago, Scopello  still offered a kind or authenticity or realness. Sadly it has all changed. The inside of the baglio teems withy  cafes, restaurants and gift shops; it's roads are littered tith tourist signs and ads for all sort of summer products and the small streets have become
quaint in an offensive artificial manner. There's even a supermarket.  It's not real anymore it is as "real" as as any tourist places in the world that try to re create something that never was. I find it very disappointing whenever I go there. It's sad that Italy is betting it's future on it's past but in the end the country is becoming sort of huge theme park.

Have a wonderful Saturday / Buon sabato a tutti

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