Adobe News / Novita' d'Adobe
I have always loved ELEMENTS and most of my posts are made using version II. I have up to version IX but I hardly use it preferring the more intuitive earlier version. We now have version XI and it looks really nice.
ELEMENTS mi e' sempre piaciuto e per la maggior parte dei miei post uso la veccchia versione II. Mi piace la semplicita' e l'utilita' di questa versione gia' trapassata. Ho sino a versione IX ma la uso di rado. Ora Adobe annunzia la versione XI che sembra che sia piu' utile.
Adobe Announces Photoshop Elements 11
Adobe has just announced that Photoshop Elements 11. This layestt version of the entry-level program has a completely redesigned interface that's designed to make finding what you want easy. You can switch between Quick, Guided and Expert layouts so you can manipulate as much as you like.The program also has new filters, new Guided Edits that give you a simple way to create photo effects, and new organizational tools. Photoshop Elements 11 also includes improvements to video editing, which also benefits from the new user interface. This is really good news for video enthusiasts
Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 will be in stores soon at a retail price of $149. Go for it.
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