Places I remember from long ago

My old school house now a summer residence for tourists. There are many new schools now.

The villa or park where I played and looked at the marina

My cousins' old school house now  houses some municipal offices
The photos posted are very personal and are part of my fondest childhood memories. I had a very cere free and happy childhood at a time when life was easier on a child. We actually made our own toys and in the summer, my cousin and I would roam freely in the countryside looking for the earliest grapes that had ripened or the tastiest apricots,  peaches, nectarines, cactus pears,  figs or sorb apples among the multitude of, fruits that were available many in other people's properties. But everyone knew our grandfather so no one really objected. If I only had a camera then!  This idyll suddenly ended upon my departure for the states where I suddenly lost this happy state of childhood. But I do not complain as I love the  United States but I really dislike being away from Sicily.
Have a great Sunday


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