Mega pixels nay not be all that important / Photo lesson

It sounds like heresy but mega pixels may not be the most important feature in a camera. Things like the size of the pixels - the larger the better - have more to do with image quality that the actual number per se. As camera makers pack a larger number of sites in a defined space, each pixel must be made smaller and becomes more prone to saturation. Think of pixels as little buckets that instead of collecting water collect light.

The solution is to make them less sensitive to light or lower their native sensitivity. This creates a problem when higher ISO speeds are needed as when shooting in low light. This is because the light must be electronically amplified thus causing a concomitant increase in noise.
The photos posted are all with the Nikon D2 H with what is now considered a very low four mega pixels of resolution. Nevertheless, they are all fine images that produce good enlargements and prints. Another misconception is that packing pixels tighter will be l;less grainy. Nonsense. This is true only when shooting film. Judge for yourselves.


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