Florence, archival shot

This shot, originally shot  in 1969, on Agfachrome 50 that over the years faded into magenta, was saved by converting it to black and white by scanning it. Well it's an image of the Porte del paradiso or the Doors of Heaven or Porta sud, southern door of the famous battistero or baptistry which is a separate structure from the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. This image shows the door  before it was restored. This took about a quarter century and, unfortunately,  I failed to photograph them   duringt  my last visit to Florence because they were practically  overrun by Japanese tourists. Needless to say, the doors designed by Lorenzo Ghilberto were restored to their original golden state. The word in Italian is ripristinare. The baptistry itself was designed by Andrea Pisano and it's one of the many tourist attractions that make Florence what it is a super crowded museum. However, it's one of those places that one must see. crowds or no crowds.


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