My favorite market

Unlike in the States where many farmer markets are total rip offs catering mostly to yuppies and hipsters, in Italy these markets provide the freshest produce at prices cheaper than at the super markets. This place is wild. There are no lines and one must be aggressive or else the wait is long. It is fun and one meets friends and relatives with whom to shoot the breeze. Located in Piazza Petrolo, Castellammare del Golfo, it is walking distance from my house. Please note the blue sea in the background, priceless. As an interesting note, in the EU one is not allowed to touch the produce. Either the owner or salesperson choses it or in super markets disposable plastic gloves are used. But we are in Sicily and we take regulations lightly so here as in many other stores we are allowed to touch the merchandise. How can you chose an eggplant without touching it? Wash it later. As a matter of fact, in another more convenient store. the owner, as a courtesy, allows me to handle the stuff. It's like a sign of solidarity and trust and even friendship. But it took some time before I reached this level. 


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