Vintage candids
I always wonder where time goes; it passes quickly and renders everything ephemeral. To me 1969 seems just like yesterday yet to most people it appears like ancient times. The location was Fontainbleu France. I had my Canon FT with the 50 mmF: 1.4 FL lens loaded with Agfachrome 50. It was a nice enough film that cost only $2.99 including world wide processing by Agfa. Those who have only shoot digital and never used film, cannot realize that there was the cost of film and processing to consider. At any rate this was a nice film that rendered the greens with a tint of yellow. But it's Achilles heel was it's ability to turn magenta after some time. This was actually dependent on the particular labs used. I kept them in color but a conversion to black and white would have hidded these shortcomings. I like the colors here because they add to the image. As usual I was not far away.
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