Sunday, June 21, 2009

PHOTO OF THE DAY June 22, 2009

One from my archives. Taken on a wintry day back in 1973 with a Nikon Ftn and that superb 105 f2.5 Nikkor. This is from a print scan as I did not have time to look for the negative. It was printed on Agfa Brovira F surface and No. 3 contrast grade. Developed on Dektol. Ho those wonderful days of staying in the dark.


  1. My favorite building and neighborhood in NYC.

  2. Agreed.
    Perhaps the most beautiful building in New York.

  3. Rocco,

    Nice shot. Better than the stuff they made you shoot at CMC back in the day! You and me stills and video. I didn't know you were a CCNY boy. Me too!

    Ned Barber
    CMC TV Producer 1998 - 2001

  4. Ned,
    Nice hearing from you. How's it going? Hope all is well and thank you for looking.
    I want to forget some of the CMC shoots.


 A somewhat abstract digital image of a rose; just trying to be artsy crafty that's all.