Monday, June 22, 2009

PHOTO OF THE DAY June 23, 2009

Yes, “lu beddu paisi.” In Sicilian, my first and original language, it literally means the beautiful town; but metaphorically it means the place I was born. We all have our own “paisi” and we all denigrate some one else's “paisi.” This is an old view of my “paisi,” Castellammare del Golfo. taken with a Canon Ft with a 50mm f1.4 and Kodachrome II. Yes it had an ASA {ISO] for your youngsters, of 25. You read it right. Now we ask of our digital cameras to give us no noise at ISO of 6400! The town has changed much since then and the castle is surrounded by a concrete belway of sorts. However it has been restored and is quite beautiful inside and out.


Fall splendor